Monday, April 5, 2010

Kentucky: Spring 2010/Easter

We just returned from our Easter trip to Kentucky.  I think we're getting used to the drive since we are stopping less than we used to with 3 kids.  It's best if we can plan the drive while the kids are supposed to be sleeping through most of it so it doesn't take them much out of their routine.

Anyway, we drove Friday morning/early afternoon.  We visited with MeMaw, Grandpa Tom, Uncle Drew and Aunt Angie on Saturday.  Mike and Conner did a little fishing at the lake while Kassadi and Gavin explored the grounds.  

Gavin wanted to fish too!

Easter morning, the kids had so much fun digging through their baskets and finding the eggs the Easter Bunny hid for them, all 41 of them.  For dinner, we visited the Barabalas'.

We left early this morning (Monday) and spent the day locked in the car.  Good thing we came home with enough daylight to go play outside though!

Easter Bunny: The kids LOVED it! LOL