Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dynamic Sign Company

Well, we officially started our third company.  It's called Dynamic Sign Company, LLC.  We bought the vinyl cutter a couple months ago.  And we wanted to start working on doing vinyl lettering for storefronts and business vehicles.  I think originally, it was going to be done under PictureIt Creations, but we thought it might be a little weird to try conduct advertising business under a personalized gift company.  Then, since Dynamic Installations & Services has a vague name but everything else (website, facebook, etc.) all pointed to electrical, we just went with the idea of getting another company.

We have put vinyl lettering on Mike's truck and work van for Dynamic I & S.  I made my first vinyl decal sale (under PictureIt on Etsy) for a boutique opening in Oregon and we're working on making the vinyl lettering for our neighbor's work truck too.  Mike eventually wants to get into the illuminated signs at stores and strip malls for more steady work with it as well.

In the meantime, I still have lots of work to do on the website for it, since there isn't anything but a logo up there.  Everything at the moment is on a per job basis so I'm not sure if we'll have any pricing on the website anytime soon.   I added a link to the website on the sidebar.

Busy Week Ahead of Us

We always have such a busy schedule during the Spring/Summer/Fall months.  We had Baylee's birthday party yesterday and we have the McCracken Corned Beef and Cabbage/St. Patrick's Day dinner tonight at Aunt Pat's house.  Mike is working a lot again (I'm not complaining - it's great he at least has work to do).

We found renters for the Pomona house this week.  They met with Mike yesterday and signed the papers.  They will be moving their things in the next few weeks.  So, Mike will be working on getting the house ready for them.

Mike will be working in Ohio this week, so the kids and I will have a purse party to go to Tuesday at Gigi's house.  This week starts the kids' storytimes at the Civic Center and Sandburg Libraries.  Thursday, I'm taking the kids to Grandpa's work to visit the Easter Bunny.  Next weekend, we have a Charrette Family Reunion (which I will be putting together a slideshow for).  Any extra time, I'll be planning and getting ready for our visit to "Tuckey Tuckey" for the Easter weekend.

"It's Missing a Piece"

A couple days ago, we had a day full of being outside because we had such great weather.  I put Kassadi and Gavin to bed around 8:30 and decided Conner had been a pretty awesome kid that day.  He had also dug out his scooter he got last fall and had been wanting to use it on a chunk of cement bigger than our back patio.  So, I took him around the block (by the way, I had to carry it most of the way).

When we had a clearing in the trees, we could see the partial moon that looked more like a thumbnail in the sky.  I asked Conner if he could see it.  He was surprised and said "Yes, it's missing a piece".  I thought it was a cute way of putting it and we walked on.  A few seconds later, he noticed all of the stars in the sky.  Conner told me, with urgency, "We need to go get a firetruck (for use of the ladder I assume) and grab those pieces (stars) and get them back to the moon to fix it.  And we need to be careful!"

I love how his little mind works ♥

Friday, March 19, 2010

Conner's Personality is Blossoming again!

Conner, who will be 4 in a couple months, has hit another growth spurt in his personality, vocabulary and sarcasm.  I do have to say, I am very proud of his wittiness.

The other day, I was trying to gather my brain cells after a hectic morning and trying to plan out lunch.  His incessant, "Mom, I'm Hungry" phrases were starting to frustrate me as I realized I forgot to go shopping again.  So, again, he said, "Mom, I'm hungry!  I want lunch."  I replied, "Yes, Conner, I know.  Give me a second to figure out what that is."  His response as he looked at me like I was an idiot (and speaking slightly slower), "It's lunch, you eat it after breakfast!".  All frustration went out the door when I started laughing my a$$ off.  Sometimes, all I need is a little dose of his humor.