Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dynamic Sign Company

Well, we officially started our third company.  It's called Dynamic Sign Company, LLC.  We bought the vinyl cutter a couple months ago.  And we wanted to start working on doing vinyl lettering for storefronts and business vehicles.  I think originally, it was going to be done under PictureIt Creations, but we thought it might be a little weird to try conduct advertising business under a personalized gift company.  Then, since Dynamic Installations & Services has a vague name but everything else (website, facebook, etc.) all pointed to electrical, we just went with the idea of getting another company.

We have put vinyl lettering on Mike's truck and work van for Dynamic I & S.  I made my first vinyl decal sale (under PictureIt on Etsy) for a boutique opening in Oregon and we're working on making the vinyl lettering for our neighbor's work truck too.  Mike eventually wants to get into the illuminated signs at stores and strip malls for more steady work with it as well.

In the meantime, I still have lots of work to do on the website for it, since there isn't anything but a logo up there.  Everything at the moment is on a per job basis so I'm not sure if we'll have any pricing on the website anytime soon.   I added a link to the website on the sidebar.

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